Another word to describe a fat person that has an addiction to cheeseburgers
That person is a Leighton rose
by Cummins cider April 22, 2017
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The name of the bitchist rude sassy man on the planet with the catchphrase 'this whole school humps my leg'. Meaning that Leighton look up to him self to much and thinks the school are the ones below him, loving him people associate Leighton with the mean girls character RAGINA GEORGE also Riverdale actor CHERYL BLOSSOM and also bad mom's actor GWENDOLYN and the film (little) actor JORDAN SANDERS
Ryan: LEIGHTON WEM is a bitch
by POWER STORMS April 18, 2019
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The undertaking of an action that lacks thought process and knowledge.

Being stupid.

Making a mistake that an intelligent person would not make.
"Ah mate, you did a Leighton"

"Mate are you doing a Leighton again"
"Boys, im sorry. I did a Leighton and ended up in the Gulag."
by 0T Daddy May 12, 2020
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Kiersten & Leighton's Usually make great couples who's relationships last forever. They are always the cutest couple in a room, and never argue because usually before they began their relationships The Leighton was friend-zoned, Then quickly got out because the kiersten could no longer ignore her love for the Leighton. Due to a Leighton's immense patience he does not mind when a Kiersten says she wants to wait before beginning the rest of their lives together.
Damn! Did you see that Kiersten & Leighton couple? They are so cute!!!
by Lamar Pacheco May 4, 2013
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When a fat fuck eats so much food that his penis becomes inverted.
Ayo Leighton, are you a Dirty Leighton by any chance. - Edna
by Charleston Smith April 26, 2022
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Leighton is a cool guy. Good humor sense and good body. Can be sadistic and cruel, but not really to friends. Very strong, usually wins in fights. Intelligent and sneaky, able to outsmart or trick most people by logic or reverse physiology. Super cool but terrible to be his enemy.
by John Glasseater October 28, 2023
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