A person, that posseses quite large genitals, usually a good body, not the biggest or best, but high up there is known as "Leighton".
by vincebeam February 5, 2008
best person to EVER exist, so kind and caring, will always be there to check up on u, would do anything to defend friends (badass)
by bussified July 9, 2022
leighton is a really lazy boy he happens to eat alot of food like biscuits, chips and lollies. although at times leighton can be extremely cute cheeky and mischeivious he is a one of a kind little boy
by from bobby brown and sarah lin May 28, 2011
by sarabby89 February 19, 2015
by Steven Dickinson August 10, 2006
by Steven Dickinson August 10, 2006
Usually blonde, a bit gay and possesses small genitals, has no brains or muscles. Does terribly in school, is a bit frisky and a douchebag. Plays golf, tennis or badminton. A total dickhead that you should avoid.
by I can give you pics of pythons June 8, 2016