Kato refers to squirrel in punjabi. Although Punjabis are so into other animals rather then Kato's...Kato is an obsessive word for some Punjabi people. Kato can be used to talk with kids because kids are just like squirrels. They get what they need and they go on about there day.
Today Kato woke up and has been at home being productive.
by GEO8234 March 22, 2023
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A person who doesn't really cares about anything happening around her. She's very observative and notices everything. Never able to feel anything, but always knows what to say. A really good actor it needed.
Person(1): You know Kato?

Person(2): Yeah, I've heard about her
Perosn(1): Oh turst me, she's better than the rumors about her.
by Veckness November 22, 2021
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look at her she’s such a kato.
means look at her! she’s such a girlboss
by ananasi01 November 22, 2021
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look at her! she’s such a kato
“look at her! she’s such a girlboss
by ananasi01 November 22, 2021
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Jayden: Where are you Luca?
Luca: I’m with Sej
Jayden: Katooooo
by Piniesta July 25, 2021
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Kato is a day, when the most beautiful person is born, which is 13th December
Sam-its 13th December, its Kato day!

Jade-whats a Kato day?

Sam-kato day is when the most beautiful person is born.
by katodona October 6, 2022
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kato is a person who has a great personality but is really selfish and picky on their choices they make. And they pay no attention to you once so ever. But Kato is full of cockiness and thinks he’s all that when he’s really not.
by Lon3ko November 25, 2021
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