yet another trendy word that hipster girls use to feel like they were justified in spending $120 on ripped jeans and "princess" t-shirts
Like, that boi's reasonably priced and durable clothing is SO janky, playa ain't gon' get none of this cause i ain't no hollaback girl.
by iceman992 May 29, 2006
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When an object is broken down, ugly or trashy. Mostly ghetto. Can be used on a person
That backpack that is stapled and taped together is janky
by Jank!? March 25, 2011
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polite way of saying you are horny; desire to have sex
I need to get this jank out.

I am very janky.
by what can i say? September 7, 2009
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A sweet and kind girl who is smart as hell. She's a goofy, awkward, weirdo, but she is very lovable. She loves to procrastinate and gets the sweet and corny guys.
Person A: Who's that cute goofball over there?
Person B: Oh, her, she's Janki.
by Corrie Vandie April 5, 2017
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adj. 1. underhanded; insidious; shady 2. poor-quality; badly-made 3. sub-par; below standards or expectations

Originated out of epiphanous thin air among a group of suburban highschool dopehead intellectuals in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
"Dude, you ditched me last night to go play disc-golf--that is so jankie."

"That banana bread your grandma made is jankie as hell--does she have Alzheimer's or something?"
by Johnny D. Reglos October 27, 2004
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Poorly constructed or of poor quality
This janky shirt she gave me is falling apart.
by Werd December 8, 2002
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Used to describe someone's character or behavior in a derogatory manner. Also to describe something that is bad or messed up.
"Man, can you believe he pulled that shit, he is one jankie-ass mother-fucker"

"Dude, they sold you some jankie shit this time"
by Dan Oglesby April 7, 2004
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