Honger (n).

Hongers are people from Hong Kong who immigrated to another part of the world. They tend to dress in Hong Kong's lastest style(usually one or two years before the fashion hits North America). They tend to hang around in the same age. They tend to drive in Hong Kong's lastest cars.

Another group of people who might say they are hongers are called, honger-wannabe's. Hongers are not people who are born in Hong Kong, who move to North America and speak english 24/7. They are not white-washed, they don't dress weirdly, and don't dress in style. They usually are band geeks, nerds, and/or anime freaks. They try to speak cantonese infront of the real hongers, but they are often excluded in the conversation. And also, they are usually self-centered.
Example of a honger:
Quote "waiwai! lei dim ar?? ho mun ar.. icic, cu, 88, ttul"
Example of a honger wannabe:
Quote "....hey....(gets the attention, but then gets excluded)..what's for homework today?...(ignored)"
by cookies December 30, 2005
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A chinese immigrant to North America who drives a Japanese ricer, or a BMW, carrying Kleenex in the back window or seat.
The honger lent me a tissue after he rear-ended my domestic model SUV.
by Ryellia May 26, 2008
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A person of Chinese ancestry that hails from Hong Kong. Only hated by some other Chinese people, especially Vancouver area gangs and Jesse.
Get out of my store you damn honger!
by I got no pants April 21, 2003
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...hongers are the second hurtest group in the world...(first are natives)Hongers tend to keep up with Hong Kong and Japanese fashion...mostly Hong Kong style...hongers are very hurt cause they act so mother fucking gay!! they say stupid words like "la" "gor" "wor" "sin" "wakekakie" this just make them look even more like a dumbass...hongers tend to have no knowledge of the western style entertainmment...like for instance they dont know what The OC is...they only watch chinese shows with the Hong Kong Stars like "Twins" or "Joey"
there are different groups of hongers

1) Pure Honger- a person from hong kong and is MAJOR honger

2)CBC Honger- a chinese canadian that becomes and acts like a honger

3)Taiwanese Honger- taiwanese guys that always talk mandarin and and have messed up spikey/long hair

4)Vietnamese Honger- these are the people that are half chinese and half vietnamese and acts honger like, it is very rare to see these hongers

5)Honger or not- these are people that were born in HK and came to some canada or w/e...but these people dont act hongerly...their more like C.B.C

hongers have to UGLYEST HAIR EVER!!! its all short and long at the same time..the guys look like a freaking pile of shit...Hongers are a DISGRACE to Chinese people!!!
"hongers say "LA" Honger go Daiso LA and GOR
by not lynden January 11, 2005
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A person from hongkong who dresses in flares with bright orange hair.
Also see:
That fucking honger stole my doughnut
by Toku. November 2, 2004
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An extremely unpleasant and extraordinarily unattractive female.
"... so last night we saw a couple of right hongers"

"... and then I woke up and I was in bed with this proper honger"

"Your mum's a honger"
by Bydydtron May 11, 2009
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comes from the word -HONG KONG
a honger is a chinese person that came to canada (doesnt matter how long) and cant speak english that well and always and every 2-3 years goes bak to hong kong. also they try to keep up with hong kong fashion. yes, they do go to honger malls & stuff but they go to normal places like richmond centre and metrotown too. some ppl who wear some hongerish doesnt mean they honger
i kno lots of ppl that wear honger clothes who can speak perfect english and listen to english muzic ... but it tru some hongers are kinda bad and some arent .. but most hongers are rich ass mutha f**kaz who drive benz and the B dubs... i kno this one guy .. he not honger but he's in grd 11 or 12 and he drives a mecredes slk ... everyones different and some may b more alike then others but still they different ... im not a honger but i still speak chinese with my friends and a i speak english with my friends.
by mr.NG da kiNG December 29, 2005
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