What you need to do before you stuff the sluts toilet.
OOOUUUCCCHHH!!! "The bitch rubbed me raw,I knew I should have used the Hiney lick manuver!
by mavros April 8, 2006
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1.One who smashes booty with his peenockin.

2. One's penis solely used for the anal orifice.
by Sloppyfirsts April 30, 2010
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Baldy: Billy must really have to take a shit, his ass cheeks are squinting.

Joe: yeah man, he has a chinese hiney.
by Kydog54 August 31, 2015
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"Hey man, I chopped that Hiney last night."

"Awesome, yo"

"I love to chop hiney"
by xoxoxoxValentinesxoxoxoxox February 19, 2009
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After that long night on the town and that late night burrito, that hiney heaving has come on strong.
by Stunami March 27, 2019
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What you would call someone or, more specifically, someone's bum when they have a loud, rumbling passing of gas.
Oh my god, did you just fart? I felt that hiney trumpet over here!

Dude, seriously? You're a damn hiney trumpet!
by piratefire777 February 12, 2016
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