Person 1: Were have you been?
Person 2: i Kissed a child groomer
Person 1: oh zoe laverne?
by Zaddyanon December 14, 2020
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A groomertaints a person to the point where they daren’t even confess to their own mother.
After this, the groomer holds the, usually much younger person, responsible for their own despicable acts.
Then the groomer makes the, usually much younger person, feel guilty about the dirty secrets, which were initiated by the groomer but set up as if this were the opposite.

Why is it called grooming?
This act of manipulation is called grooming because a groomer grooming is acting beastly. Therefore can only think in beastly terms. And treats the usually much younger person, with complete and utter disrespect, as if it were a mere puppy that only exists for the groomer's pleasure. Grooming is the act of a predator preparing their, usually much younger, prey for their own deviant sexual practices.
This is an example of a groomer grooming; 'Em, Brey-Anne, I cannot sleep, can you please come to my bedroom and help me with these muscle knots I have in my legs? Oh, that feels wonderful, you're a good girl for helping me out. Shhh, don't talk so loud; we don't want to wake up your parents, do we?'
by DinkyDi October 12, 2019
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> The unfortunate person that has to squeeze your dogs asshole so it splurts all over...sometimes on you

> Someone who gets bit by a dog and the owner says “I don’t believe he bit you he’s never bit anyone!” (When you know damn well he has) where’s the sympathy?

> Someone that makes your dog beautiful and doesn’t always get tipped. Do you tip YOUR hairstylist every time?

> A majician. That’s what dog owners think anyway, “ I brushed him last night so just a light trim would be good.” And the hair is matted to the skin! Abracadabra! Your dog now looks like a naked mole rat because you can’t brush it every now and then.

> The one that answers the phone on Christmas Eve and has to listen to someone rant about how they need their giant schnauzer groomed TODAY. And then they freak out totally puzzled at the fact that you can’t get them in.
Woo hoo it’s saturday! Oh wait I’m a dog groomer.
by Pibblelover January 6, 2019
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1) Members of the LGBTQ community who build emotional relations with children or young persons who go through gender dysphoria so that they can exploit, manipulate or inveigle them into believing so-called self-perceived gender.

2) transgender who convince children or young for gender-affirming surgeries.
The bill filed this week, the very first piece of legislation in the session bill one which will ban so called gender-affirming surgeries on minors. This will bring gay groomers on their knee.
by Narrator007 December 8, 2022
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Code for "I don't know what the hell I am doing."
My mongrel pooped in the car on the way home from the groomer, but it was the Groomer's Fault because he kept my mongrel too long. Sure, I could have let him go outside before we got in the car, but I prefer blaming others for my mistakes.
by tnj629 February 3, 2022
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Boomer groomers are underaged children that sexually assault individuals who are over 18.
by Valkyrie Ink March 16, 2021
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esbian female homosexualgirl queer
Dude she is a freaking poodle groomer. I heard she ate Susan out the other night at that party
by urbanboss22 June 17, 2008
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