A man with the shiniest head in the world, whose baldness can only be rivaled by another Gordon.
Imagine a mirror that's someone's skin tone and is a part of their head. That's what a Gordon is
by Error 404: Name not found. March 23, 2018
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Having poor reactions, lacking coordination.
Matt Gordon was so gordonated when he walked or even slept.
by Fresh July 21, 2003
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A Gordon is a person who is not good a things like video games, sports and other. In conclusion a Gordon is not a thing you want to be called.
If you and your friend were playing games and you beat your friend 25 to 0 in Halo you have my permission to call him a Gordon.
by Ryan Dopson May 25, 2008
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he ong a bitch bro. how TF you gonna carry a child for nine months and name them GORDON. its the equivalent of an Italian person carrying a child for months and naming them Linguini Pepperoni Pizza Pie. if any Gordons read this, your moms a hoe.
person one: Bro gordon spoke to me today
Person two: I would kill myself afterwards
Gordon: bro what the fuck i'm right here
Person one: *commits suicide*
by 17racoonsinatrenchcoat June 26, 2023
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A slang way of saying drug dealer, often used to keep deals confidential.
Typical used for cocaine dealers.
Im going to have a great time, got myself a load from Gordon
by Gordon2k18 June 6, 2018
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a person who has no life and is dumb
Gordon is dumb and is a no life
by A random 12 November 8, 2016
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An arrogant low life scum who feeds off drama and negative attention.
by Thgkvvgnnb December 20, 2015
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