In gaming, anything and everything that can be conducive to a player's progress, be it ammunition, health items or a collectible or some sort.
I found this secret room with loads of goodies inside! Made the rest of the mission too easy!
by EcoEclipse February 9, 2010
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Mam, can I 'ave some goodies?
by Sarzy September 18, 2003
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short for 'have a good day'.
replaces good day.
"thanks! and have a goodie!"
by nina November 17, 2004
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A Woman who is very skilled or talented in giving Men Blowjobs.
"Oh, you're such a Goody" "Man, she's a Goody"
by mass98 August 22, 2012
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drugs; usually pills, whether it be pharms or X.
-"hey, guys!!!! Guess what i have!!!"
by bringer_of_goodies July 20, 2006
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wow you got goodies that are good
by tia December 11, 2004
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