3 definitions by The SexiestDudeYouKnow

The sentence most unique and interesting said by the most famous character in all fiction, Spongebob, in the video called "The Bikini Bottom Flood". This tragic statement is said by Spongebob after being asked by Patrick about "What a Die is?"
Patrick: What's a Die?
Spongebob: Its when you die and your dead and your body parts come off
(i kfhdsihdvlbgdujksglhnbdgijks)
by The SexiestDudeYouKnow February 23, 2019
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The man of pure strength and knowledge. He can easily annihilate an entire nation in one punch, man. The sheer pressure he possesses in unfathomable and his charm has any girl or boy in his radius instantly fall in love with him. The aura that surrounds his body is filled with nothing but Power.
Girl 1: Is that him?!
Girl 2: Tam Lin!!!
Girl 1: I need his body, I'm so wet.
Girl 2: Aughhhhhhh! (Squirts violently)
by The SexiestDudeYouKnow January 16, 2019
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She always is nice and never bullies anyone. She fucks up everyone who isn't her friend. Not much of a goody-goody now is she.
Goody-Goody Girl: I'm about to fuck you up.
Francis: Please, not the ass.
by The SexiestDudeYouKnow January 16, 2019
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