To get any form of sex - oral or intercourse. Mainly for men: getting your dick wet - sucked or fucked.
Yo dude, what happened with the babe you took home last night? You get your cheese wet?
by ZER21 May 14, 2021
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to find happiness or pleasure in a certain activity
You're about to get your dick wet with fourth meal
by BAMS3144 November 6, 2008
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to engage in vaginal copulation from the male's perspective
you may have christened the guest bedroom, but, did you get your piece wet?
by joe November 30, 2004
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When one gets ones spoons wet. A man would spoon a woman whilst ejaculating on her back.

If this happens to you, you would have encountered in a wet spoon.
"im going to get her spoons wet"
"ahh mate i just wet her spoon"
"oi got with this bird last night got her spoons wet"
"i'll totally wet her spoon"

a female would say
"babe like i got my spoons wet for the first time last night"
by pazgrarroobekpeltom January 7, 2012
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When a woman is masturbating and rubbing her clit with her finger and she needs to keep it moist she dips her finger into her vagina opening to get moisture!
When Kate is flicking her bean and she runs dry she get her paintbrush wet.
by Nkate May 31, 2021
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1. To submerge oneself in an unfamiliar, stimulating environment or situation.

History and Etymology: Origin unknown.
Chad: "I think I'm going to enter a homebrew competition"

Jorge: "Hell yeah man, it's time to finally get your tits wet, eh?"
by persimmonVision May 11, 2023
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To engage in drinking heavily and clubbing to the point where one's face is sweating with inspiration and excellence. No, this is not synonymous with glowing or sparkling that adolescent and immature twilight fans are use too. Let's face it, no one looking to get their faces wet wants to be a pussy.

Common among fraternity bothers at social gatherings. Can also be exclusive to a group of friends or a posse.
Bro 1: "C'mon bros, let's get our faces wet!"
Bro 2: "Hell ya bro, let's do this! We'll hit every club and casino until our faces are dripping with excellence."

Bros: "Hey ohhhhh..."

Later that night...

Bro 1: "Holy shit bro, my clubbing skills are maxed for the night and they've already placed a caution sign where we were dancing!"

Bro 2: "Chill out bro. You're taking this clubbing too seriously. Save some of that excellence for tomorrow. We're just getting started. Soon, our Get Your Face Wet club will be sweeping the nation."
by anorton March 20, 2012
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