The most beautiful and talented girl in the world. There is nothing better than hanging out with the gorgeous fuzzy. Bestest of best friends with bakon and loved more than life itself by puggy
Fuzzy is Bakon's Fuzzy-Lumpkinage.
by KoЯn FЯeak August 30, 2004
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Spending more than 60% of your wages on your car with in the first week of being paid & as a result your car looks worse after than when you started.
Oh Phil you have done a right Fuzzy on your Peugeot. Its so low you cant drive it!
by RickDC2 June 10, 2008
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A nickname for a kid with a short haircut. Lots of friends that are girls and no girl friends. Cool guy who acts really stupid and says things like "you tickle my teeth" great friend friend and brother.
Hey, waz up Fuzzy?
by Daphne May 26, 2004
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A truly great and wonderful animal. In most cases, it is a large, four-legged mammal of the equus family
what a cute fuzzy!

(also: What a cute horsie!)
by Pat February 26, 2004
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