In addition to an extremely racist term to describe someone who attempts to integrate into American culture despite not speaking the language and is looked down on by society for being different, it also means a keychain or lanyard.
Check out my cute new Hello Kitty fob! My friend Art sent it to me from JAPAN, yo.
by purplefeltangel March 10, 2006
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When a filipino switches F's and P's
Example: Fob = Pob.
by Flip May 1, 2002
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A digital device which is usually found on one's keychain to unlock their vehicle from a distance.

Also used to sound an alarm, or open the cargo compartment for a vehicle.

Particularly useful for the compulsive shopper.
If I didn't have my fob with me, I'd have to put down my groceries to unlock the car.
by Justin May 1, 2002
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Patrick Stump: I can't see me doing Fall Out Boy for a while
Girl: *starts fobbing*
by Ryan Ross the Mormon Magnet October 21, 2011
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hey did you seen jon he got a 4 gb fob
by Notcarter April 22, 2009
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Form an abbreviation of "fresh off the boat," originally meant anyone who was a recent immigrant or acted like one, but now used mostly on Asians. It used to be used to describe anyone immigrant-like, but now it is used more often as describing a young person who is stereotypically Asian-American (ex- listening to Korean music, being extremely smart, watching anime, reading manga, etc.). Can also be used as 'fobby,' fobbish,' etc. A common fob pose is making a peace sign with your hands. A less-common usage is as an abbreviation for the band Fall Out Boy.
That new girl is so fobby. She's in AP Stats, has an iPod full of Korean music, and has a bookshelf filled with manga books.


How was the FOB concert last night?
by randomsmileys March 12, 2010
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in australia/new zealand its a short way of saying islander
amy- we got a new kid
john- wat nash iz he
amy- dunn0 lookz fob
john- eshays
by eshayz ladzticks November 10, 2006
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