The description of people acting like faggots.
Such faggotry was displayed this afternoon.
by GAlactic Nigga April 14, 2017
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Most people think the word Faggot means a gay person, when that is not true. A faggot can also mean a person who is widely generally disliked, for one reason or another. The word has evolved into a more contextual word.

Anyways, here is what Faggotry means:

If the word Faggot is more contextual, so is the word Faggotry

Example: If a person is called a faggot because they are stuck up, or believe they are better than other people, the word faggotry may mean that they are in the act of verbally expressing how they are better than other people than they really are.
Kevin: Im better than you guys at like, everything...

Jonathan: *to Jimmy* Oh, watch out, their is some major faggotry going on over here

Jimmy: Yep. Affirmative. Level 9 faggotry going on over here.
by Neutralsnake1065 January 1, 2019
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A term or slang created first by the "kids in the hall" to describe someone of the homosexual persuasion...

also used to bust your friends balls when he does something really stupid IE gay

Usually has nothing to do with actual gayness just good for ball busting your friends.
You my friend have been tried and convicted of faggotry.

He had wood in the boys locker room and was tried by a jury of his peers. They found him guilty on 9 counts of faggotry.
by jayak November 8, 2004
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1 (noun) Instead of saying "gayness" or "gay shit" you say Faggotry
2 (verb) comiting an act of Faggotry would be something such as a man flirting with another man
Also see miss me with that gay shit
Jacob stop flirting with me! I don't want any of your Faggotry
by PoopieMcPooperTon February 4, 2020
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1.Faggot-like version of bigotry, usually acted out by a person whinning like a spoiled rich person that gets their way all the time or a religious extremist who can't stand being told that they are wrong and can't handle opposition.

2. the act of being a complete and ignorant ass hole who has the inability to draw their own conclusion.
sane black man: you hebrew israelites need to stop preaching your faggotry.

hebrew israelite: Stop worshiping the white devil you cracka lover or i'll cry like a little bitch.

spoiled rich white person: white people aren't devils "sniff sniff" it's you black people haven't your heard of the curse of Cain.

hebrew israelite: Cain was turned white you leperous devil im right and your wrong.

sane black man: you guys are idiots, where is the proof of what your saying.

hebrew israelite: I just flip through the Bible twisting Gods words around and making my own interpretations that have spoonfed to be by the Elders.

sane black man: Thats what i thought nothing but faggotry.
by ApacheWarrior November 14, 2009
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The act of multiple faggots doing retarted things.
Those kids are drinking glue ... Such faggotry!
by SAV05 December 1, 2017
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