To go "raw dog". To have sex without a condom
what is this painful, smelly discharge? maybe I shouldn't be raw doggin it with strangers
by Stefan the terrible May 27, 2004
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When you put two roller dogs on one bun and pay for one.

"Oh shit, I totally got busted double doggin' it at the Phillips 66!"
by Sleepdepped June 9, 2006
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when you are in a state of utter delirium and you find every little thing to be the funniest thing ever. it is similar to being drunk or high without the bad side affects. it usually happens when you are in the state of pure exhaustion. known to usually occur between the hours of 12am to 4am.
sam- "jessi, can you pass me the ketchup please?"

jessi-"your mom. hhhhhhahahahhhhhhahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

sam : "wow. you are really floppy doggin'"

by sam and winston and jessi August 27, 2008
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when someone or something try's to take advantage of you, usually resulting in financial gain for the "sweet-dogging" individual.
A word derived from a crotchety old man named Bob, who acts like a country hick but is actually from the north and in no way affiliated with the south. He hasn't even ever lived in the south.
That car salesman was sweet-doggin me for that car. Little did he know, I'm a master sweet-dogger.

That guy from the mystery meat van was shocked to know how much knowledge I have of meat. You can bet your bottom dollar that I sweet-dogged him for a good deal!
by CutieCatLady98 December 28, 2016
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Unprotected vaginal or anal sex with random or unfamiliar sexual partners.
I was skin doggin’ last night at the car park. Some horny slut was taking on anyone that passed by.

I only go skin doggin’ with prostitutes.

I was skin doggin’ that toothless homeless guy behind the dumpster at lunch break. The smell was horrific but I needed to nut and a hole’s a hole. Right?
by Eaton Holgoode May 22, 2018
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praire doggin' is when a turd is coming out of its hole (anus) and then goes back in.
Man I need to find a shitter, I'm praire doggin' like a mofo!
by whateva November 21, 2004
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When u have a humongo turd ready to come out but are no where near a toilet. It pops out and goes back in, like a prairie dog coming out of its hole abd going back in.

AKA:Turtle Head Poking Out
" man i got to take a major shit" other guys says " oh prairie doggin are we" and then u both laugh
by Russ April 2, 2004
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