an onomatopoeia that signifies a union break, specifically a cigarette break, usually involving at least one employee of an establishment; used in nonsmoking buildings to signify that one is going outside for a cigarette for any that wish to follow
Our waitress at the Waffle House said "Ding!" and three booths of regulars followed her outside for a cigarette.
by Metallichickx July 23, 2008
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You said that? Oh DING!!!
by Joe January 30, 2003
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When a woman surprises a man by inserting a finger in his anus during sexual activity. Usually during oral sex.
"When I was blowing my boyfriend last night, I dinged him and hit his prostate and he came all over my face."
by playtheviolins January 4, 2008
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means "correct". This term came from the sound a MAC makes when a file upload is complete, meaning "you accomplished your upload"
person 1: I think she is s complete gaphead.
person 2: Ding!
by bizon April 23, 2003
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Referring to the sound a toaster makes when it finishes...Thus, when a person finishes (orgasms) they 'ding.'

used to describe something REALLY good, orgasmic.
A: "how was dinner?"
B: "mmm...ding."


A: "How was dinner?"
B: "lets just say i dinged about 5 times while eating."
by pancakes make me ding August 16, 2006
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wow i really like your pink shirt its quite fitting "DING"
by pusdio June 13, 2010
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(v.) to reject, as from membership to a club or society.
(n.) a person rejected or worthy of rejection.
"That guy's a loser, let's ding him."

"That guy's a ding, let's get him out of here before he makes us look bad."
by eleusinian November 10, 2007
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