This is what 13-16 year old girls do when they lack self confidence. It is extremely fucking annoying.
The correct response to this situation is: Shut the fuck up

Also see Attention Whore
girl1: OMG IM SO FAT
girl 1:YES I AM
Me: Shut the fuck up attention whore ans stop fishing for compliments
by ThisIsApril June 29, 2009
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Commendation or flattery aimed at an individual who is accomplished, keen, and resourceful with regard to internet related tasks...
"I'm just Joe Schmo, but her constant net compliments make me feel perpetual."
by Naaadz December 1, 2005
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Criticizing ones self in hopes that someone will compliment you afterword.
When a sexy bitch says something like "my ass is ugly" so that you will say "your ass looks great"- Compliment Shopping
by Smokey McDank September 5, 2009
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this is a type of compliment that has an alterer motive
e.g when you boyfriend says your beautiful, this is a cum compliments which means he wants to cum in your pants.
by Bagface October 29, 2008
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This is a technique used in the corporate world to masque an insult and make it pallatable for your audience. Specifically you begin your criticism with a compliment follow up with your criticism/insult and then end with a compliment or something favorable about your audience.
"Your firm is in the top tier for the second year in a row and only 6 firms out of 52 are named to the top tier . You did an excellent job. (The Criticsim/Insult) However, you can still improve, we are rolling out personal development plans and every person is going to be expected to improve over the next year. (Ending Compliment) Keep up the great work... here, we got you some pizza!" That is a compliment Sandwich.
by Corporate nobody January 11, 2008
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After a fabulous dinner, I decided I wanted to pay gratitude. I ended up complimenting the chef...the head chef, at that.
by Kerriswheel February 26, 2010
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Putting oneself down to others to evoke sympathy from others especially regarding ones appearance. Typically happens after a break-up.
Fisher: "Oh my gosh, I feel so awful now..."
Sucker: "What do you mean?"
Fisher: "I mean...I just *sigh*...I don't know."
Sucker: "Seriously, what is it?"
Fisher: "I just wish I could still wear my size 0 pants."
Sucker: "No! You look so amazing right now! You're perfect and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!"
Fisher: "I guess *sigh* Thanks."

That my friends, was a prime example of compliment fishing. Don't be suckered.
by OStateGrl08 June 3, 2006
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