Cool, awesome, etc. In full, it means something as awesome as Chuck Norris. The ultimate compliment, since Chuck Norris is the coolest of the cool.

"Man, that trick was so chuck!!"
by Chuck-strich May 19, 2008
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1) Pretty much the best clarinet player in the whole world. This status may or may not have been achieved by hours and hours of sitting alone in the corner of a dark room practicing.

2) Somebody who thinks they're black despite the fact that they're actually from India, and therefore are no blacker than Stephen Chow.

3) Someone with the ability to grow an afro on their chin as well as their head, usually within the span of only a few days.

4) Anybody who thinks that they're the most awesome person ever to walk the earth, and that all the ladies want them.
1) "Wow, I wish I were more like Chuck! He's pretty much the best clarinet player in the whole entire world!" *shoulder grope*

2) "Jesus, Chuck, stop telling me how black people high-five each other! You AREN'T really black!"

3) "Have you touched Chuck's chin-fro lately?" "Yeah. That shit's fuzzy."

4) "Dude, your drawing of a frog is terrible. Stop being such a Chuck and telling all those women how great it is."
by RAGNAAAAAAR! June 19, 2010
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A loving and caring person who really knows how to make someone laugh
Friend:Hey look Chuck is here
Friend2:omg yay
Chuck:hey wanna hear a joke...
by Chucks born in April November 2, 2019
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Used in place of "as f*ck"
Example 1:
"That movie was boring. Why did we waste our money?"

" I know yo. That movie was dumb as chuck!!"

Example 2:
"I just paid my last car note!"

"Damn, you lucky as chuck!!!"
by DaniLouWho December 29, 2011
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Did you see that guy, he was totally chuck.

You're just jealous cause I am so damn chuck.
by VivaLaChuck May 24, 2009
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Chucks is actually short for chuck taylors. The first converse chuck taylor was created in 1923 when chuck taylor and converse teamed up to create a new and innovative basketball shoe ( why anyone would want to play b-ball in these is beyond comperhension) I actually own many pairs of chucks I think my collection is up to about 19, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon!!!
by the_chuck_queen June 22, 2004
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High-top canvas Converse All-Star basketball shoe, bearing the signature of Chuck Taylor.
Dude went retro with a pair of white chucks.
by Anastassiou April 14, 2005
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