the most boring place you could ever live
Dude1:hey what do you want to do today?
Dude2:idk we could go to the nowhere and do nothing.

canton, MI
by boredcantoner August 16, 2011
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A sexual act when the man (or woman) shits in a waffle iron, cooks it, then forces his or her parter to eat half while fucking that partner with the remaining half.
"Did you hear? Dekoda gave Dustin a canton wafflehouse at the party last night."
by Funnyman37 November 1, 2016
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A city in Michigan where people go on red and stop on green. If you drive a red pickup truck, you're getting pulled over, ticketed, possibly jail, probation and hella fines
" hey man, wanna go to canton, Michigan ?"

"Nah dude, I'm not trying to get flicked today"
by Canton Michigan January 15, 2018
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Canton, Ohio is possibly the worst place to live. We have everyone here from greasy little scene kids to ghetto ass bitches. If you live in Canton, you probably want to kill yourself right now. If you plan on staying in Canton for the rest of your life, you're a dumbass, go make something of yourself. This town will suck the life out of you.
Sarah: "You live in Canton, Ohio?"
Kelsey: "Sadly, yes."
Sarah: "Get out, as soon as you can. GET THE FUCK OUT."
by Niggersss69 April 28, 2011
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Place where they have more bars than people, racist cops, and a deadend town where you go nowhere in life.
Matt: I live in Canton, IL.
Jake: So, you had hopes in dreams for your future, but instead you haven't done anything with your life and just sit around and drink at the bar.
Matt: How did you know?
Jake: You said you were from Canton, IL.
by Former Canton Resident July 13, 2015
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an alright city 60 miles south of Cleveland. Home of the Football Hall Of Fame and the past home of motown greats The Ojays. Has a large population, but also has a large amount of drugs and crime. Prostitution is prominent on Fulton Rd between East Tuscarawas St. and 14th St. N.W. Has alot of wannabe rappers aka the dope dealers who are doing it big and need a clever facade. Cantons Finest aka Canton Police Department has become the gestapo with their "Gang Task Force". They bust those of us just looking to have a good time in our front yards. You know smoke a little green and sip on some drink. Do something useful guys and arrest some of these skanky hoes trying to walk up to my car in broad daylight.
Canton, Ohio is an ok place to live
by Miss Brady September 22, 2006
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One of the worst college campus for a SUNY school. SUNY Canton is located a stone throw away from the Canadian border in a town that has nearly nothing. Since we're in a NEW YORK school, the college has decided to change their logo to a Kangaroo without asking the students for their imput! (Thanks global warming!)

With a mandatory housing policy unless you still live with your parents, live in the area, or are over the age of 25, the school tries to make you stay and eat their mixtures that are laced with laxatives and made in Chaney.

In the dorms you'll find trash in various places (the stairwells were a favorite)...and don't dare touch the railings...they are always sticky. The dorm rooms are small and only have two skinny windows, that don't let in much light. You can't control the heat in the dorms, therefore it is always really hot or really cold. It seems like there was never an in between. The windows are always clouded with condensation stuck in between them, so you could hardly ever even see out of them. In the winter the windows would freeze over, and you wouldn't be able to see out of them. The walls were also so thin that you could always hear what was going on in the next room. Also, the walls on the sides of the buildings slant in wards (therefore if your on the third floor you have the smallest room), and because of this you'd also get sound traveling up and down the walls from your neighbors downstairs.

To get to classes you will have to walk up a trechorous hill (which is always icy, wet, and or muddy) which will give you asthma attacks, and make you feel like you needed your mountain climbing gear.

Also, if you have a problem find someone else to talk to besides your RA or RD, because all they do is get together and discuss/gossip about all the students problems.

If you're deciding to go to SUNY Canton, it isn't half bad if you just live off campus.
That's MY SUNY Canton!
by Lauraness October 3, 2007
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