When in the marines, you find a female creature (normally human) to have sex with. You bring them to a muddy space, dress both of you up in camo, but still exposing your genitals/or other fetishist need. Proceed to have sex in the mud.
James: Dude I had a sick night with Sheila!
Michael: Heh, that's why you're so muddy! You did a mucky camo din'cha.
by Ricken the Faggot Mage October 13, 2013
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during the sexual act of reverse cowgirl/cowboy, the partner which is on top excretes diarhea on the bottom partners chest...giving the bottom partner a "Camo Vest ". This is a common occurrence when large quantities ofhard liquor is involved...
"Dude, Tanya totally gave me a Camo Vest last night... "
"What did you do, dude?"
"I posted it all over facebook...after I took a shower."


"I heard that Jeff Camo Vested all on his boyfriends chest!"


"Don't get too drunk, sweetheart... I'd hate to wear a Camo Vest because you can't hold your whiskey !"
by Megan F'n Shiver October 17, 2011
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An excuse to wear some ugly ass camo sweatsuits.
Also used to show how little fucks a person can give.

(it's especially effective if you yell it in a Scottish accent)
Calvin gives no fucks when y'all make fun of him cause he knows IT'S CAMO SEASONNNNN!!
Is it camo season yet?
Adam's girlfriend does not approve of his camo season outfits.

camo no fucks
by Ts4eves March 6, 2016
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When your dick is camouflaged with its surroundings as tho it was in hiding
Where has that camo dick gone
by Big dick69666 August 12, 2017
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A large assortment of layered shirts either worn by a young tomboy, teen with gynocemastia, or FtM in an attempt to hide their developing breasts.

Usually worn when sports bras don't do the job-or are too uncomfortable-and they can't afford other alternatives. Unfortunately, this usually makes the wearer look incredibly sloppy.
Example 1: Erica's little sister started to wear a camo bundle every day ever since she became a preteen.

Example 2: Since Sam was only 13, he couldn't possibly afford a proper chest binder, so he used a camo bundle to hide his chest.
by Dr. Sigh February 10, 2016
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Doink Gang artist who has dropped such hits as "P.R.N" and "Amnesia"
Dg Camo > Biggie
by Slothbot January 3, 2017
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at a party, you drink too much and throw up all over yourself, resulting in splotchy colored clothing. looks like you're wearing camo.
dude, we got blacked out and johnny was in full party camo, holding down the hags
by dw69 February 23, 2012
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