A nerdy ass person who complains about others. Face is shaped like a burger with buns ontop. Usual people called this are named Ben or Crystal.
¨Ben shut up nerd, you are a Bungus Burger!¨
by sus3535 May 10, 2023
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Exclamation of surprise, shock, anger, annoyance, imminent nuclear war, or hunger.
by crungusbungus September 26, 2018
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A krungus bungus is a term used to describe idiots that don't know what they're talking about or doing and pretend like they do
Aw, man Donald Trump is such a krungus bungus!
by John Cena facts 32 March 2, 2018
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A very contagous fungus which is transmitted by having a Bungus explore your anus. Called Mijunges because it was discovered by Gay Mijunges. See bungus
Damn, that nigga got Mijunges Bungus Fungus out is hizzow, Damn
by Meow Mix December 28, 2004
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What is irritating that person that they are so annoying you don't want to be around them.

The other way to define it is "What's crawling up your ass!"
by JillsCrazyPlace February 3, 2010
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When your poops are really thin like wires.
"Bro i got some serious wire bungus rn"
by Extendedmeme September 23, 2020
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