One of the worst guys you’ll ever meet. He’ll treat a girl terrible and is the biggest dick to walk the earth. Even though he’s a huge dick, he has a very tiny one. He’s okay looking but not on the inside. He has a temper and is probably gay. He’s not athletic and is probably fat. He might seem like a good guy, but don’t let that fool you. He’s not. You don’t want to mess with a brand. If you see a brand, get a gun, he doesn’t deserve to walk this earth

“Is that brand”...”ew
by Markismark1 November 27, 2018
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Girl: Y r u so scared? Don't u have brande in ur jockeys?
Boy: Boys have testicles.. not brandes..
Girl: Whats the freakin difference, fuckhead?
by GayLord69 July 25, 2006
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When a guy has sex with a girl while she is on her period, without a condom, and takes his dick out and slaps her on the ass, leaving a period mark of his dick on her ass cheek
James has sex with his girlfriend sandra while she is on her period and after finishing, slaps her on her ass cheek with his dick, giving her the brand
by knoltec December 15, 2008
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1. Street Term for Marijuana Originating in South Bend Indiana
2. (Brander) someone who indulges in smoking marijuana regularly

3. (Brand, branding) The action of smoking Marijuana, more specifically copious amounts out of a water bottle bowl
4. (Branded) term used to describe someone who is unequivocally stoned
1. "Did you guys hear about that Brand Mirko found in his dad's drawer? I hear it's the most potent shit on this side of the Mississippi."
2. Joan: "I caught Liam and his friends huddled in a circle branding behind the garage last night."
Kevin: "ahh I remember when I used to be a brander"
3. Ben: "Don't hit that it's cashed"
Jack: "Are you kidding me?! I can get more branded off of that."
by True Brethren January 7, 2016
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If you have sex with someone named, "Brandon", You have just been Branded!
Some fucko named, "Brandon": "Hey dude I just tapped that ass!"

Brandon's friend: " You mean that bitch just got Branded?"

Some Chick: " Ugh I really wish I wouldn't have slept with that Brandon guy last night!"

Chick's Friend: "Girl, Don't be tellin me you been Branded!"
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Often used in gangs, cults, or other groups where there are owner and slave type relationships. When a dealer or pimp burns his or her street name or a symbol onto someone. Doing so shows that this person is now his or her "property", and if the branded person is caught working for another pimp or dealer then both they and the branded person are marked as enemies of the first pimp or dealers group.
1. Man, Joe totally branded the new girl last night.

2. Better be careful around her; I think she's already branded.

3. I think they're branding the new kid tonight.
by AcesGirl April 5, 2009
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