
When someone writes his/her own name in cursive, usually illegible.
Guy1: Awesome! I got Kristen Stewart's signature!
Guy2: How can you tell? I can't read it.
Guy1: Well, I saw her sign it.
by Skelwor March 16, 2009
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User-defined message which is attached to all of said user's posts. Signatures come in these types:
* Flashy show-off signature with a HUGE image in it. These are hardly ever done by the user carrying it. It is usually accompanied with some lame anime character no one cares about. They all look the same, because they probably all followed the same dang tutorial.
* Animation hell. This guy loves animated GIFs, and it shows. Not funny, and your computer will start your second fan. I hope you have a content blocker handy.
* Proud users. These are the idiots with 10 "something user" banners in their signatures. They also have a huge "GET FIREFOX (or die)" button.
* The "no one cares but me" signature. These guys have a huge "I'm listening to:" thing. Most of the time, they're listening to some new punk/emo band that you probably hate. They also include random facts about themselves, as if someone cared. These are combined with Flashy or Proud signature types for a double suck attack.
* General GameFAQs user's signature. These have anime quotes from Naruto, Sailor Moon 'n the rest of that crap. No doubt it will have a nice fad included with it, such as "Fox for sex" or "I won't change this until...." Sometimes they include a quote everybody has heard before, in a sad attempt at looking somewhat intelligent. Bland quotes from other GameFAQs users appear at times.
* The useful signature. I cannot comment on these since no one has ever spotted one. Maybe you can be the first. No wait, better yet, don't have a signature at all.
"OMG I GOT SIG'D! Its kinda sad when som1 gets ecxited when theyre in a signature, but who cares!!"

"I'm listening to: Hamper Case by Green Gay. Uptime: 2 hours, 31 minutes"

"Do the Kirby Dance!!! <('.'<) ^('.')^ (>'.')>"
by Collision Chaos June 21, 2006
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It is the new, hip way of describing something that is totally cool and unique. Another variant could be "signacha".
That restaurant we went to today was SO signature dude!" or "My kid is like no other. She's signature yo!
by stivaro August 19, 2010
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After flushing down a #2, the culprit leaves behind only a piece of poo stained toilet paper.
I walked into Bonnie's bathroom and saw that someone left their signature in her toilet, gross!
by smiley9 May 20, 2011
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a small banner-shaped picture that is used to display ones name on an online fourm. Usually made with photoshop, many of these are rather impressive.
I made 20 signatures for this foum today.
by lang January 7, 2005
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dem tings you scribble at the end of the page to let the damn world know who the fuck you are
Her: Please put your signature here *indicates*
Me: Aight fam, you ain't buff tho
by yayayoyo January 24, 2015
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Anything below a post on a forum to show an idea, place or thing. Can be showen in a picture, antimation, or "Photoshoped" picture.
Hey dude check out Steve's new sig.
by Steve March 28, 2005
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