Cell phone addicts. Incapable of going anywhere or doing anything without continuous connection to others of their sub-species via electronic devices fastened to the sides of their heads.
A borg T-boned Junior's ambulance yesterday. She was too busy yapping on the phone to notice the red light OR Junior's lights and sirens.
by Silverbullet November 23, 2006
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Big Orange Retail Giant = Home Depot.
Used by online woodworking/tool community.
I only needed some 2x2's and screws, so I made a quick trip to the borg.
by sblanchard1 May 26, 2005
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The act of engaging in sexual intercourse with anyone whose last name is Borg.
I got a good borging last night from Louis
by Borgington April 14, 2011
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The name given to an extreemly charismatic, funny, and sexy Maltese person. This word also refers to good Swedish love making skills.
Wow that Stacey borged that Abela girl real good. She had a good technique making her very borg like. I wish i was as borg as her!
by Christopher Turk April 20, 2008
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A ball (borg) of anything disgusting mounted together
''Ewww, I have a fluff borg on my sock''
by Harliee October 11, 2011
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A drink originating from Nashville, Tennessee, borg is a mix of vodka, water and mio. The process to make borg is take one gallon of water and pour half out, fill a whole handle of vodka and lastly one full bottle of mio. This results in a drink that can double as looking like Gatorade as well as get you as fucked up as vodka. Since it’s creation in 2019, borg has begun a mass expansion. It is spreading like the Black Plague.
Guy A: hey are you drinking beer tonight?
Guy B: nah I’m borging tonight.
Guy A: oh no you’re gonna be in a coma
by deathbyborg March 24, 2019
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The act of copying someone's digital video or music collection in total; often times by attaching a portable USB hard drive to their computer. Taken from the fictional alien race The Borg, from Star Trek: The Next Generation, whose primary purpose was to assimilate entire races via technology.
John and Jenny have set up their computers on a network, and they're Borging each other's Madonna collection.

I took my USB drive to Billy's house and Borged seasons 1-7 of The Simpsons.
by JamesBradford July 15, 2009
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