guy: I went through boring, oregon on my way to montana
guy 2: ok
by half life source speedrunner August 21, 2022
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What you are if you are looking up this. Get off this website and do something productive! Go outside! Do the homework that you intend on "forgetting" to do! Or, if it's past 2 o clock in the morning, go to sleep! Just do something goshdarnit!
Johnny was extremely bored, so he looked up bored on Urban Dictionary and found this definition, so he got off of the computer and did something productive. Just kidding, he continued looking up random words on this website, as you are probably going to do.
by Undeadguy77 October 15, 2011
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I'm doing this to make a point to my friend

Me: Really? He's so boring
by Ryo_7 July 10, 2021
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Probably you, since you looked this up.
"Mom, can I watch some TV? I'm bored."
"I'm studying for my history test. I'm so bored!"
by Zapzing November 13, 2012
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A singular noun for something that is boring, unexciting, and just plain yawn-inducing.
Man, this movie is such a bore.
by RDS December 26, 2005
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