I sincerely hope Phrigajiblenophip's definition was a joke.

See my definition of 'Dinosaur' and ByThorsBeard's definition of 'Scale of Dinosaurs'.
Alarmingly, a recent poll showed that 51% of Americans believe that dinosaurs and early man lived at the same time.
by Killing Kittens October 26, 2004
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Adjective: so over a situation that you're practically extinct from it.

Verb (to dinosaur): to peace the fuck out of existence.
"Why didn't you tell me this place was full of hippies? I am SO DINOSAUR."

"We were going to stay for the orgy, but then the beer ran out so we dinosaured."
by Mini Che February 5, 2010
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prehistoric creatures, often have a penchant for eating rich lawyers on secluded costa rican islands.
John "holy shit theres a dinosaur stood next to you car"
tim "holy shit! there IS a dinosaur stood next to my car!"
*throws shoe at t rex*
"oi! get off my freakin car!"
by jakjof[ofhrlfk August 8, 2008
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A person who follows a group around and eventualy gets some kind of mean rejection from the group.
Derek your such a fucking anyoing dinosaur!
by sebastiano July 13, 2005
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Something old and slow to the point of obsolescence.
Don't bother buying that game for my brother. His computer is a dinosaur and cannot run it.
by AbnormalBoy April 16, 2005
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Official Latin translation: terrible lizard
The Dinosaur T-Rex is the king of the tyrant lizards.
by Mercedes78 November 18, 2022
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