When you need to leave cause you're in a bad situation and you want to get out before it explodes in your face
Person 1: Where's Jim I'm so mad at him!
Person two: He probably Zayned out of here then.
Person one: Damn, I hate zayning
by themimeinthelibrary June 10, 2015
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To leave something early. This definition appeared when on the 25th March, Zayn Malik left 1D, before the tour or the 5th album were over (basically, before his contract finished). Directioners use it sometimes, and they estimate on 2017, when 1D's break is over, it will turn into a carrot joke.
Sorry man, I have to zayn because I have to go to the dentist's today.
by _1dsfuturewife_ December 8, 2015
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This is another inside joke in the one direction fandom, it was used after 25 March 2015, the day Zayn left. People use it as another term for leaving or saying that they gotta go
"Brb, imma zayn"

"Whoopsies, time to zayn"

"I gotta Zayn like how Zayn zayned"
by This is my real name fuck you February 26, 2021
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zayn means when you have to leave early.
"my ex is here, i gotta zayn"
by queen styles September 27, 2015
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a yummy young man with parents of mixed attractiveness
"check out zayne, his dad's a hottie... eww his mum is NOTtie!
by a sexier version of you November 23, 2009
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Largest cock ever.GIrls bow down and get fucked in the ass and mouth.

Most handsome and tall guy with nice eyes and a nice duck shape
by Marcus person July 26, 2019
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