(n.) A deregatory term for English colonists coined by the original Dutch settlers of New York. It is derived from the Dutch words "yan" - meaning "bumbling losers" - and "kee" - meaning "grossly overpaid."
Dutch Settler: Look at those foolish Yankees! They can't even field a ground ball!
by davethedivine March 22, 2006
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A Major League Baseball team from the city of New York. If you took all of the money that the yankee players make in one year it could choke a whale, however derek jeter could comfortably deep throat the wad of cash, and alex rodriguez at the same time. Bitter Yankee "fans" (who only like the yankees when they win) constantly say things like "Big Deal the red sox won ONE world series in 86 years we've won 26!" which translates from their native language of retarded to the english: "Im so fucking bitter because my team sucks balls now, I wish I never moved to new york from kansas and pretended I was always a yankees fan" Naturally they are jelous that Red Sox fans have consistantly stood by their team their entire lives, and actually enjoy winning a world series because they yankees rings mean nothing due to the fact that george steinbrenner bought their championships.

Yankees Fan: The yankees have won 26 world series', the red sox have only won once since 1918 ::insert 20 more minutes of useless bragging that means nothing because the sox won THIS year::

Red Sox Fan: Dude, I wasn't even talking to you, shut your filthy yankee mouth.
by OTC Original Tavern Crew May 18, 2005
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The best franchise in the History of Pro. sports. They have more World Championships than any other franchise in any sport in the world.
The Yankees are the best team ever.
The Yankees will win the World Series this year.
by Big Daddy ACE October 1, 2005
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its been said to death but the yankees are, quite frankly, the greatest team in sports. To those of you complaining about the payroll, make up your minds. Half of you say the payroll is the only reason we win, the rest of you say we can't win even with the payroll. I can't agree with either, although the latter is at least more realistic. The majority of the teams chamionships came before all of the money, and that success is in large part the reason for the money being as it is today, admittedly the boss helped a bit as well

Speaking directly to the redsox fans, i find it laughable that you are able to so boldly speak of the 2003 ALCS "choke", when in reality the majority of your team's history in the 20th century has been defined by "choking"; the "curse" was more or less a series of chokes in big situations. In short, i'm glad you were able to snap the "curse" solely because the yankees "choked"...

putting the arguments aside, heres the history: 1903 the team once known as the baltimore orioles move to new york and are called the highlanders. after leaving hilltop park and heading to lower ground the highlander name was no longer appropriate so they became the yankees. The redsox sent a number of players to the team to ensure yankee success and therefore the success of the lesser american league (which reminds me, sox fans, you had a hand in creating the monster you now hate)...you know the rest from there, a lot of winning and championships for a great team in a great park in a great city.
i need to put the word yankees in the example so they'll post my definition
by my2cents August 12, 2007
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The worst team in the history of the MLB.

The most overrated team that sucks ass

the team that people who know nothing of baseball chose to be their favorite team
Baseball fan: "Hey, did you see the Yankees game last nite?"

Dumbass: "oh yeah....the're my favorite team! (who the hell are the yankees)"
by tg19os November 21, 2007
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The Yankees OWN you all. They're the best team in baseball -- their dynasty will never be surpassed by another baseball team. Yankees rule.
Everyone on urbandictionary wishes they could be as sexy as the Yanks.
by Yankee Grrrrl April 15, 2005
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The best fucking team in sports history. Everyone is jealous of the yankees cause they get the players and kick everyones ass every year. You are all just jealous.
The YANKEES WIN all the time and completely dominate.
by Chris March 2, 2005
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