An over exaggerated term used to describe people who are obsessed with Japan's culture. The term is now used to call out people who acknowledge the fact that Japan exists.
"I like Japan"
"You're such a cringy weeaboo kys"
by BrosifJoseph June 21, 2017
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A person so obsessed with Japanese culture to the point that they denounce their own and do everything they can to be Japanese. Keep in mind, people can watch anime, have a genuine interest in the Japanese language and appreciate the culture without being full on unhygienic weaboos.

Most obsessions arise through the first or second anime through weak willed humans. Symptoms include loss of rational thought, slurred speech, permanent virginity, poverty after the stack of body pillows/katanas the patient buys, odor.

Our society is generally well protected by the Weaboo Protection Task Force, a military unit tasked with the number one priority of weaboo elimination.
WPTF Officer: Excuse me sir, mind if I ask you a few questions?

Weaboo: Uh.. sure?

WPTF Officer: What is your favourite colour?

Weaboo: I sort've like the colour gree-


Ah, WPTF enforcers are the world's finest detectives.
by Dat1guy69 July 29, 2015
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Rachel, Is the complete definition of a weeaboo, She dresses like a Japanese school girl even though she is completely American, Watches mainstream animes and romcoms, She is an absolute disgrace to the Japanese culture and a disgrace to all Otakus out there.
by The Weeb Slayer April 12, 2016
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People who try to be Japanese and go in Japan without knowing anything about Japan. Weeaboos tend to think everything in Japan is in anime. The person who looked this up to say they are not a weeaboo
Tokyo includes lots of weeaboo tourists.
by Raspberry Monster April 22, 2017
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Any person whom likes animeto the extent that they disregard their own culture and act as if Japanese culture is superior to their culture and any other culture
jack: "notice me senpai
mark: "dude thats kinda sus, you're a Weeaboo
by PepegaClapOmegalul March 20, 2020
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1:When you have a big love for anime and decide to Dye your hair Aquamarine

2:When you do a cosplay on an Anime character {Itachi Uchiha}
Im a Weeaboo Because I watch Naruto Shippuden
You Dont say?!
by NotReallyIsaac April 5, 2017
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Is a fucking Japanese wannabe who wants to be Japanese and live in Japan just because of anime.
Sounds pretty similar to word weirdo.
Shortened version is weeb
1)Random Person: "This girl is a fucking weeaboo."

2) Person2: "Why would you support weeaboos?"

3) Person3: "Weeaboos are weird as hell."

4) Person4: "What the hequius are these weebs doing"
by Racoonzite March 1, 2016
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