Used to describe a selfish person. Commonly used by navy machinists. If a person goes to a vending machine and doesn't ask anyone if they want anything.
"Hey shipmate, how's the soda?" Thank's for not asking me if I want anything. Fuckin' check valve."

"Hey look at that nub over there eating McDonald's. I'm not signing that check valves qual card."
by TorpMan, Submarines November 27, 2008
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The part of any mechanical device that is not working.
"Did you check the knuter valve? It's the brass thing underneath the pipe thingy.
by Michael Palmer May 3, 2005
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The Anus. Connected to the poosnip to ensure you have a quick and pain free muck release.
I have to empty my sludge valve, I have a Brown Trout craving the freedom of open water
by Steven and the Twins December 15, 2009
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1. You took my last beer, you shit valve
2. Yo, that Taco Bell I ate really burned my shit valve
by Skumpdalaump March 2, 2007
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An interval of Valve time from 2 to 6 months.
"The Source SDK will be compatible with Visual Studio Express in a Valve month or so. If we start production now, it might happen by the time we've fully modeled the content."
by Stuart P. Bentley November 20, 2005
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An uncommon house hold valve for faucets that connects to the waterline. Usually special ordered, sometimes found at home depot.
I had a hard time finding a 3/8 O.D. Flukas Valve at the home depot, but I found one online.
by Jeff McD September 11, 2009
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