Commonly referred to as Brampton, Ontario. By the fact that it is filled with immigrants from south Asian mostest Punjab who dance Bhangra, carry shanks & eat samosas
Brown town is the place for the best samosas & lack of any other race.
by lmfao-ontario April 21, 2017
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Where you helicopter your dick around an asshole that is currently shitting a thick turd.
When Oliver admitted that he had a fetish for doing the round town charlie brown, his partner was thoroughly grossed out.
by get_paid_get_laid_gatoraid November 9, 2015
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1.A town which its building's walls are consisting of nothing but chocolate.
2.In the state of pain in the buttox or a comment directed to a person which will soon have pain in the bottox.
1.Damn, mom why can't we go to browntown?
2.When we get into jail i'll be taking you to brown town.
Wow, i just went to brown town. Why does my buttox hurt?

Chocolate Sauce,Nutela Sandwhich
by Gordron X10 September 29, 2005
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The Name For A Person Who:
1. Has Brown Colored Skin

2. Smells Like Shit

3. Was Born Cleveland
Guy One :"Sup Brown Town?!"
Allegied Brown Town: "Just Niglicking!"
by Mr. MooMar July 12, 2010
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When you are off on an excursion with your friend, male or female, you might want to stop in at brown town.
I totally went to Brown Town on that ho.
by Lord Fauntley January 23, 2009
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To have very loose or watery bowl movements. Diarrhea.
I was totally excited for my day off until it started raining in brown town and ended any fun I was about to have.
by Markhitz September 8, 2009
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