A girlfriend or lover who uses great sex to keep a man around who obviously does not want to be there or to keep a man in the home when he is about to leave with friends.
I tried to leave but I'm caught in a dick noose.
That dick noose won't let me leave.
by Gavin B June 10, 2007
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noose” represents death, the “poo” represents worry/fear so when you”poo in the noose” you escape a tricky or stressful situation, like you feel as if you will shit yourself or die but instead of literally doing so you figuratively do so and you “slip” out of trouble such as when you are performing stand up and your uncomfortableness if funny to the audience
wow, Darla really did a poo in the noose chatting up Brad when she accidentally mentioned her boner but he thought it was funny.
by Ratbag4Warchief April 8, 2021
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The Chocolate Noose is an act of where a male and a female take on a sexual position in the form of the female on all fours and the male coming in from behind. More commonly known as doggy style.

To achieve The Chocolate Noose, during the doggy style sex position the male must remove his penis from the females vagina and quickly push it into the females anus, the female in surprise now turns to look round, and as she does you must punch her the fuck in the face (as hard as possible) to knock her clean out unconcious. The act of punching her and knocking her out means the muscles in and around the anus constrict meaning a tighter hole.

Thus comes the term: The Chocolate Noose
1. My girl loved the chocolate noose last night! shame she wasnt concious to realise it though..
2. I would give her the ol' chocolate noose.
3. I wish i had enough courage to try the chocolate noose on my girl!
by Nick Hill July 31, 2007
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When a girl take the hang mans dance to far accidentally hangs herself and then you have sex with her dead body
Last night got crazy when I gave her the noose caboose
by Belloma42 May 27, 2019
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During the month of January, you are allowed to hang anybody and anything that is considered to be shit.
Kid 1: "Where is Kyle?"

Kid 2: "It's Noose Month, he was a piece of shit so I hanged him."
by Hamza Bin Laden December 7, 2019
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The poop-noose is the opening where the gastrointestinal tract ends and exits the body. The poop-noose starts at the bottom of the rectum, the last portion of the colon (large intestine). The anorectal line separates the poop-noose from the rectum. Tough tissue called fascia surrounds the poop-noose and attaches it to nearby structures.
That charmin ultra is really nice on the old poop-noose!
by Alto_Shock May 4, 2021
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