A type of high five in which the two participants high five, snap, and pull back their hands in a jellyfish-like motion.
Person 1: Hey man, wassup?!

Person 2: Not much, bro! Jellyfish!
by HarveyLadder October 18, 2010
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Jellyfishes (jealous bishes) is a jealous person who appears to be attractive, even harmless but will sting you at the worst possible moment. They often pretend to be your friend but wish they were you and quietly can't stand you.
Attractive, successful person: I am so sick of you stank-azz Jellyfishes all in my business! Get a life! *evil stare*
by Smashworthy February 27, 2010
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A free-swimming coelenterate that has a jellylike body and tentacles; they can sting prey.
Let's get some jellyfish Patrick star.
by JulianDB January 25, 2017
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I had to take a shower after the bath 'cos I got jellyfish in my hair.
by DeDLoK March 7, 2005
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When one catches a fart in a clear plastic container, dates it, and freezes it for a minimum of one day. Only to open it with another person to catch the wiff.
A: What's in this container?

B: I went jellyfishing.


A: *Gags* F*cking gross.
by daledairyqueen July 28, 2010
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An ad or notice printed with phone numbers written vertically at the bottom on tearable tags and tacked up on noticeboards, shop windows, etc.

Named for the phone number strips' resemblance to a jellyfish's tentacles, and because the pages appear to be floating on the wall/noticeboard/window like jellyfish in the ocean.

Also known as space invaders, especially when there get to be too many of these notices in one place.
I got the number for a great share house off this jellyfish on a post at uni.
by GWMcL December 12, 2010
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The ability to ejaculate with a half-erect penis, usually caused by narcotics or alcohol
Whoa I was rockstar drunk last night, I totally jellyfishes whats-her-pickle and got outta there fast
by Burnaby_Bo July 11, 2011
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