by ppsuccser September 27, 2020
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A bad idea that is accepted by the masses and made good through stupidity.
eat shit, ten billion flies can't be wrong!
by masked_mockingbird March 18, 2004
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The look on one's face after taking a substantial amount of Ecstasy, as the eye lids droop down to exactly the midway point on the eyeball, making the Ecstasy user closely resemble the Garfield cartoon character.
Hey, check out that guy on the dancefloor! He's rolling so hard he's fucking Garfielding!
by Meathammer July 15, 2014
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Entirely inferior to Heathcliff and Marmaduke.
Garfield is a tired-out sack of shit about a fucking obese cat who eats all the food in the house and is probably from Boston. His owner's ambiguously gay and strangely attractive.
by AflacJack January 18, 2005
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Munching on a Garfield(massive) sized amount of food after participating in the act of smoking marijuana.
I just went and Garfielded after that fat sesh.
Lets garfield after this bowl bro-hah.
by SETARIP23 June 6, 2011
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the cat who i relate to the most
me: man why can't i just be garfield
friend: idk man I agree
me: *cri*
friend: *cri*
by peterpumpkinyeeter August 19, 2020
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by Bigbadbully October 8, 2018
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