The act of flossing your asshole with a sock.
My ass required a good flocking after a long night in Vegas.
by Riverabung July 9, 2014
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v. transitive or intransitive: To fraternize with other felons. A parole violation. Presumably from, "birds of a feather flock together".
intr. Janelle gone, she flocked herself back into prison.

tr. Keep Gavin away from me, I don't want to flock.
by AWrinkleInTime May 29, 2016
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To sexually assault a bird. Mid-flight.
"Having jumped out of an the aircraft without a parachute, James decided that the only way to enjoy his last few minutes of life was to engage in a little flocking."

"His girlfriend enjoyed the occasional flock on a sunday"
by mythicalcreature March 23, 2009
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when someone is partying, smacked, getting mad bitchEs, and just going hard in the paint like WOKA FLOCKA FLAME
"dude are you trying to get drunk and get some pussy tonight?"......"fuck yea! im trying to get FLOCKED!!!
by McGanja Goon 69 December 1, 2010
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a group of any people, places, or objects. It must consist of at least two. There must be a strong bond of trust with in the flock. Can also be used in the place of the f-word.
by deadbirdsflock June 29, 2014
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The highest order of fleekitude: fleeker than fleek and flecker then fleck. Individuals defined as flock are ridiculously good-looking and often exude a higher-than-average basal body temperature. They are so fleek they are known to spontaneously combust into flames, and for that reason the U.S. Forest Service has deemed them a Grade A wildfire risk. Flock personas can be found picnicking on the grassy knolls beneath the Eiffel Tour or at the local club – LE CLUB, to be specific – surrounded by bottles, models and stacks of dead presidents.
"Did you see Pelosi's new winter-to-summer vest? I heard it was a gift from Drake."
"COT DAMN! That playa is so FLOCK!"
"Yup, yup, yuppppp!"
by goirish1986 June 29, 2016
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irrelevant annoying kids in school who flock together like a group of birds leaving their stench.
i hate my english class ... it’s full of flocks
by realassbitch$$ April 3, 2021
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