Smoking a blunt rolled with a swisher sweet.
getting stoned.
Man, hurry up i wanna go get swished.
by PussyRunsThisShit June 29, 2012
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a cheap cigar brand with gum-flavored wrapping usually used to roll joints/blunts.
"Gimme a swish cherry-gum for this green, crackalacka."
by dewek October 21, 2003
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The way Tucker, from red vs blue, describes how to use his sword.
Simmons: We need help! do you know how to use that thing?
Tucker: What's to understand about, swish swish stab? It's a sword, dude, not a fighter jet.
by HaloKidd November 26, 2016
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the two handed-motion described by drmomentum is actually a one-handed motiom, because you are pantomiming a basketball shot that goes in the basket, touching "nuthin' but net". drmomentum, it think, may be describing a gay man version of swish, in which the shooter has no basketball skills and is basically just throwing the ball up to the basket.
man, ace-ing that test was a total swish!
by jdlmx October 22, 2004
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An expression of happiness executed by thrusting the dominant arm forward at a 90 degree angle from the body and exclaiming loudly the word "SWISH"
60%! Swish! wait... sixty percent sucks... I'm gonna go cry now.
by nameless deity August 18, 2005
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A slang term for a joint

Swishes plural for swish
Damn! I gotta go smoke a swish!

Lets go smoke some swishes man.
by blah dots July 31, 2007
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That car is so swish.
Your hair be looking swish today.
by awesomekk10 June 4, 2015
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