noun. a man of courage and intense gaming skillz, usually a subject of a song written about drugs
The song about Swifty is complete! Let's go eat weed!
by Humpcatter16 January 17, 2010
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When one bends over in the standing position and then another runs, and jumps hands and head first into his/her gaping asshole.
Person#1: Holy dogshit dude, your asshole is like 24 inches wide!
Person#2: Yeh, last night I dropped a penny and when I bent down to pick it up this fully shaved, naked, lubed asian guy gave me a swifty.
Person#1: Gaping.
by Scott July 24, 2004
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the name for Taylor Swift's fans..! A whole bunch of p'pl who are mad about her..! Couldnt stop being crazy about everything she does and they probably support all her breakups.
Oh my friend's a swiftie and he couldnt stop tellin me about how tayor just dumped harry coz i was a directioner
by CasieJo April 27, 2016
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the absolutely, undisputed king of all caretakers. Glastry is truly blessed by his presence
"Hey did you see Swifty?"
"No, why?"

"Near ran me down with that we floor cleaner of his!"
by FussiestApe October 17, 2019
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WE worship the queen who is the music industry we support Taylor no matter what, to be honest we got better investigating skills than the FBI . I mean how can you not love Taylor swift? Oh and a curse word for a swiftie is k*nye, sc00ter etc
Hey! Swifties are going mad over all too well 10 minute version!!
by Swiftieswhereuat April 8, 2022
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Swifties don't merely "like" Taylor Swift. They adore her. Swifties tend to be sweet, generous, introverted and very literate, just like their idol Taylor. Swifties tend to occupy Tumblr since that's where Taylor goes the most. They also live on Twitter and Instagram. You're super lucky if you know a Swiftie and you better befriend them right away.
Person 1: Anna seems like a Swiftie. She baked me cookies today.
Person 2: Yeah, she's totally a Swiftie. We should be her best friend. Everyone should be friends with Swifties.
by janmhorowi April 6, 2017
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