used to describe someone who will do all they can to prevent a woman from hooking up with a man.
Jill is such a "Twat Swatter". I would have hooked up with a dude if she didn't hand me a tampon right in front of him.
by black bill bob May 21, 2009
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To swat someones twat.
Twatter Swatter.
Dude! He just totally Twatter Swatter that chick
Laguna Betch deserved it.
by INCHOIORWENCE September 6, 2008
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Someone who gets cummed on then rubs it in like lotion and smacks them self
Shut the fuck up you cum swatter.
Can I come swat you.
by BRobb May 20, 2008
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A girl version of a cock blocker.

Somebody who will not let you get laid.

A very ignorant girl who blocks the penis from your vagina by saying things you can not bounce back from.
"Dude, Jenny is such a twat swatter. She totally ruined my game."

"Excuse me, when did you become such a Twat Swatter. I almost had him in the sack"

"Last week, Me and Carmen were at the club and i was totally throwing out my game and Carmen just skips on over and says, Hey Krystal, How are your aids? She's such a Twat Swatter"
by That'll Happen May 18, 2009
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Rachel: Cindy is such a twat-swatter, she would let me hook up with Adam because she told him I have crabs.
Susan: But you totally don't!
Rachel: I know!
by KingUnicorn477 May 20, 2009
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1. When a female prevents another female from accepting or pursuing the interest of male.
2. When a female prevents another female from achieving a goal.
GirlA:Ima go talk to that guy over there and see whats good.
GirlB: Ok.
Guy:Hey, I noticed you over there, I was waiting for.
GirlA: Hi, Wow cool. Just taking my time making sure you were looking at me. So whats your name?
GirlB: Hi, my name is ____ . Sorry I took so long, to come over. I was getting her and me a drink. This is my friend___(GirlA). So what is your drink (Guy)? What is your name by the way?
GirlA: Hey! Stop being a twot swatter___(GirlB)! I'm trying to snagg this guy so back off!
by 1713Queen December 7, 2010
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When a man squeezes his scrotem so his testicles bulge (also known as a brain) and another person ( male or female ) pulls a suprise attack an flicks it.
My balls were numb after hogarth gave me an Alabama fly swatter.
by jaybell1945 November 16, 2010
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