A girl who likes to be partially "choked", "strangled", "smothered' during intercourse. See also "autoerotic asphyxiation".
My girl-friend is such a strangle bunny. She begs me to smother her during sex.
by UdoIt4Me July 2, 2010
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Another term for furious and satanic masturbation ie ive been up all night strangling-satan
Person 1: Hey dude did your friend sleep in my bed while i was away fucking your mum?

Person 2: No way dude...

Person 1: It smells like someone other than me has been strangling-Satan in my bed again *smack*
by bennycnz April 2, 2010
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1) A condition wherein, a person who is an expert at a task, is forced to watch or teach a person who is horrible at the task move really really REALLY slowly. E.G., a luddite using a computer mouse for the first time. The person who is adroit at the task, slowly goes crazy watching the inept person trying to complete this simple thing, and wants to alternately strangle and choke them...but you'd never do such a thing.

2) When walking in a large city, with many pedestrians who are moving slowly, and are not self-aware, that block your path, don't walk straight, stop to take pictures of buildings, et cetera...and you...the fast walker, want to strangle and or choke them and move on...but you'd of course never do such a thing.

3) Anytime you're so pissed at someone or a pet, and you fantasize about strangling and choking them...even though you are so anti-violence that you're a vegan and a card carrying member of Amnesty International
So I'm at my sister's, and holy shit, I effing wanted to strangle-choke her like six times! She's trying to find some pictures on her puter, and I'm showing her how to use Windows Explorer, and WOW, she's a total computer idiot! Finally, I just knocked her ass out of the chair and showed her what to do before someone (her) got strangled, and or choked!
by The Fig June 11, 2011
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Another way of saying you have to poop or take a shit
Q: Where is Dave? A: He just ate ten tacos. He had to go strangle a midget.
by Joe Z May 3, 2008
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When a person is giving you head (male, or female) while there sucking on your penis or eating you out, you force there face aggressively into your pubes filling there mouth, or nose with pubic hair so they can't breath for a little bit because there be strangled by your pubes.
Dude, last night i was getting some head, and i decided to give the bitch the Fuzzy Strangle
by xKushMasterx May 16, 2015
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slang for female masturbation, in close relation with the male counter-part "choking the chicken"
"Thinkin' about him just makes me want to go strangle the peacock."
by LaurenK May 17, 2006
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