Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders version 4.
A compendium containing Mental disorders.
A compendium containing Mental disorders.
by BelgainDSoul August 12, 2003
Something that is as or more dysfunctional than the dysfunction(s) it names.
Based on the manual of psychology that is more dysfunctional in content and process than many of the dysfunctions it describes.
To be changed to DSM 5 upon the planned release of DSM 5 in 2013.
Based on the manual of psychology that is more dysfunctional in content and process than many of the dysfunctions it describes.
To be changed to DSM 5 upon the planned release of DSM 5 in 2013.
by Jude Peer February 1, 2011
This syndrome is mostly found in teenage girls or younger women, it is a disease that captures commonly used words and changes them in the mind of the person, people with DSM cannot hold the various teachings of our highly educated society, their brians just do not have the mental capacity to hold the whole vocabulary of our society, Their brians take a word, process it and make it become something new.
A teenage girl not be able to correctly define the word "pie." She is thinking it means happy, she has DSM IV.
by Polly123efwewds November 28, 2010