When you and another stranger are in the bathroom and you both hold off until the other person leaves to take a poo, resulting in a poo standoff.
"For the record, I just won the poo standoff, the other person gave up and left the bathroom."
by kn13 November 20, 2015
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The act of refusing to do one's business at a public restroom until it is completely vacant. This often leads to a standoff when there are two parties who are trying to be modest.
I had just gotten situated on the can when someone ran into the stall beside me. A Stall Standoff was made for 10 minutes until I just couldn't hold it anymore.
by albinorineo March 7, 2012
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An Italian standoff happens on a road that is only wide enough for one car at a time. It occurs when 2 cars are driving towards each other, and one of them has to move out of the way. The car that moves is considered the loser, and the car that does not move is considered the winner.
Alex has never ever lost an Italian Standoff.
by Conquistador69 May 26, 2017
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A titty standoff is when two women fold their arms simultaneously to indicate disagreement with each other, elevating breasts to display status. Anthropologically, titty standoffs are an important social ritual permitting dominant and submissive females to assert their disagreement peacefully before the submissive female is literally forced to concede the point. Submissive females - especially new young ones - are typically respected more in the long run for engaging in a titty standoff even if they lose rather than simply submitting because long-term acceptance to a tribe requires demonstrating that you at least have a bitch-switch worth flipping and can bring your bitch-switch to the fight on behalf of the tribe if necessary.
Cheryl and Shelly met in Cheryl's office. Cheryl closed the door and they both kept standing. Cheryl wanted to 'just talk' to Shelly about the benefits change in-private. Shelly has kids so it was a real titty standoff ; they folded their arms and they both got to the point right away. But then I heard Shelly raise her voice and say " No, actually I don't agree." Later on Cheryl sent an e-mail to everybody in the department thanking them for their honest feedback.
by JoeyDaProgrammerToo December 19, 2014
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A Qatari Standoff is when two or more men take Viagra and stare at each other until one gets a boner. First person to get a boner is considered gay.
My bros and I had a Qatari Standoff yesterday, turns out Travis is gay.
by OtherName September 25, 2020
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2 or more Mexican Standoffs in the same place
*8 people all point guns at each other*
Guy#1: Well well well, looks like we got a real Bosnian Standoff here
Guy#5: A fucking what?!
by Jcrispys January 19, 2023
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