Lets say a guy dates this girl in college. After a year and a half, she abruptly turns very mean on him and breaks it off. Then, she (who had been a virgin before this relationship, no less) promptly goes and screws two of his fraternity brothers/friends, who also happen to be each others biological brothers (!). She winds up dating the second one for a year or two (!!!) thus qualifying herself as "slunk meat".
by n_Miles April 17, 2009
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the egregious, abhorrent, gangly, hate loving loogie in your throat that have to try to get out but doing so makes you choke and think you’ll die. the moment before you pass out choking on said loogie you get it out and forever fear sickness because of the loogie. a dip slunk is that moist horrific loogie

(or a filler slur)
“that dip slunk took me for a ride” (said in an australian accent)
the dip slunkiest fellow just cut me off on the highway”
by bequeather of buildrs February 11, 2023
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An overused vagina. Popularized by 1970s SNL star Dan Akroyd when speaking to Jane Curtain during the sketch spoofing the Jack and Shayna Point Counterpoint show where Akroyd began every rebuttal with “Jane, you ignorant slut.” Then, “…as you’re hopping from bed to bed with the frequency of a cheap ham radio it’s clear to us guys that when you’re on your back the meter’s running, you dried out old piece of slunk meat.”
You went out with that stripper that calls herself Sincerity? Damn! Talk about a worn out piece of slunk meat. I’ll bet she makes slapping noises when she slides down a bannister.
by Jism Nasium July 9, 2021
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The large accumulation of ice and snow that builds up in the wheel wells of your vehicle while driving on roads that are not cleaned of snow.
Also the sound the lump makes when kicked off the car.
Large off white cold mass of snow and salted ice.
by Tom Lamb February 17, 2005
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'Tang so passed around that you'd expect to find a free global entry tattoo on her junk.
Hey, what stinks in here?
Ummm, nothin'.
Really?! You sure you haven't been banging that slunk meat bitch on the community sofa?
Yeah, well maybe we should consider getting that deep cleaned.
MUTHAFUCKA, you best get your hands on some Easy-Off and get to work or I'm gonna bust a fuckin cap in you dumb white ass!!!
by YAWA April 11, 2022
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Simply, really saggy boobs. The kind that just drop to a bitches knees. Also can have pepperoni sized nipples.
Damn that bitch got them slunk meat titties. The kinda that just sag to da floor
by y0shi June 19, 2008
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