The description of a person who has shit their pants, and it’s splattered all over their ass.
Tom: Look at Brian’s pants! Oh my god.

Jim: Oh my god, he has shit-ass pants
by JBJ69 May 17, 2020
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The perfect combination of swear words. Not to bad. But bad enough. Flows off the tongue.

Can be used to exclaim any type of strong emotion.
"Shit Ass Titties it's freezing outside!"

"Shit Ass Titties, I'm so excited about our trip tomorrow!"

"Shit Ass Titties he's about to kick that rednecks ass"

"Shit Ass Titties I locked my keys in the car"

or just

by BMWGGANTMSFU February 9, 2010
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When something is dead broken beyond repair, it is shit assed.
OMG, Windows Vista is so shit assed.
by BobBurma March 8, 2009
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Shit On My Ass (etymology: Mod. English; portmaneau of the phrases "shit" and "ass," with "on my" forming the liaison) is a vulgar phrase expressing an utter discontent in an occurence, (e.g. where the conjuction "Shit!" would be used). Offshoots may include: shit on my dick, shite on my arse, holy shit on my ass, and the extremely long "piece of shit motherfucker on my ass."
Teacher: You failed the test, Stan.

Stan: Shit on my ass!

Brittany: I'm cheating on you, Stan.

Stan: You piece of shit motherfucker on my ass!
by ceaseanddesistsir April 10, 2010
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A feeling one has when they continue to let people and themselves down; a feeling of worthlessness, undeserving of love or friendship from those whom they have let down.
I feel like such a shit-ass-fuck, I continue to hurt and let down those around me.
by Ballard Walker May 5, 2008
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Someone who mixes the cans of tuna in oil with the cans of tuna in water at the supermarket.
(guy arrives home from grocery shopping- starts to unload)
"tuna in oil!?! What the fuck? Shit ass motherfucker mixed up the cans again. Fuck."
by ssatihs November 15, 2011
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