The most attractive girl you have ever laid eyes on she has a funny , brave and smart personality
That is a sadie
by Hi and November 16, 2019
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an amphibious mammalian species native to Northern Minnesota. Very rare. Known to socialize with humans. They stand about 5ft and are very colorful and playful. They tend to mess with peoples facebooks which is rude! Scietific name is Rainasscerian Sadias
A Sadie posted on my facebook wall, and I was very upset!

My friend's a Sadie, the last of her kind.
by Because I'm awesome, it's true November 9, 2010
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A goddess. Any man would be so grateful to even know a sadie. She lives in the moment and will never be forgotten. Always brightens someone’s day and is very talented. All boys wish they had a sadie. She’s extremely beautiful and has the best figure. Sadie is a dream come true.
“Man i wish that Sadie was mine
hasn’t she got the nicest ass lol”
by I’m already chungus July 14, 2019
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A super bad ass who will beat the shit out of anyone who messes with her or her friends. But, she is also super swee and caring and will listen to you whenever you have a proublem.
Sadie just beat the crap out of that little white girl who said the n word!
by badbitchisblack January 22, 2022
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Sadie is the sweetest person, she doesn't even know how to be mean.
Sadie is always doing what's right
by Your Friend😉 September 24, 2021
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An extremely beautiful blonde girl, tall, perfect skin, funny as fuck and has A BIG BOOTY. She also has great taste in music by loving great punk bands such as social distortion, X, Black Flag, and The misfits.
Guy1: "whoa, dude, I heard that chick likes the descendants!"

Guy2: "she's a sadie defiantly."
by milton666 August 10, 2013
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