The word reed is fisrtly a water plant which grows on bank of rivers, but also can be used as an insult which is to call someone a (geek) or someone who is abnoxious.
"your such a freakin reed, get out of my life and shut up!"
"hey reed why dont you go and eat a decroded piece of crap"
by Adam Batty March 21, 2006
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a guitar playing doucher that probably brags about how many times he can skip a rock and cries after sex. only friends are other reeds
"Look at Reed over there flirting with the lunch ladies."
by slimthicc69 October 26, 2017
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To be minimally hung. Typically, men with this name are also hermaphrodites. In rare cases, a reed will possess an entirely foreign sexual organ, alien to our planet and completely useless to the female, although quite stimulating among gay males.
I just had the worst sex ever. He was such a reed.
by oldjames198322 May 7, 2010
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Reede's are usually tightasses, often quite rude and likely homosexual. Don't be a Reede. Often Reede's are found to be born in June or March, usually around the 30th. In a whole Reedes are unique individuals who often find themselves getting beaten up by many.
Girl 1: Reede is such a fucking faggot! He loves dick not me!
Girl 2: I know right! He rejected me and told me to go fuck myself!
by Cellman September 16, 2019
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to snitch on somebody or something, especially one of your close friends.
Man, you just got reeded out yesterday by him.
by johndoe19 May 1, 2010
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This action occurs when a certain individual, usually a ginger, attempts to flirt with and pick up a relatively attractive girl. When his attempts are inevitably denied, the individual then slips into a spiral of making more and more awkward and creepy comments, until the individual seems SO creepy, the local newspaper may even report on it. Those who partake in "pulling a reed" or "reeding" are poor souls indeed.
Guy: "Hey, wanna fuck?"
Girl: "Um, no. I want to leave now and never come back."

Spectator: "Wow, he's totally pulling a reed / reeding that ho."
by Mitro March 25, 2008
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