A word used entirely and explicitly by utter, utter cunts.
Cunt #2: OMG! RANDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by SIman May 11, 2005
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Any situation, person, or people that is totally unknown
1. Theres alot of randoms at this party tonight
2. I hit that shit to hard, I'm gettin' random
by Bob December 18, 2003
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an incredily overused word humongous douche bags use. Usually used by people who think they are smart.
Lexi: omg! That was so random what you did right now!
phil: i will shoot you.
by lil snoopy December 10, 2009
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A type of joke requiring no intelligence that ironically has been overused making it predictable.
Bob: Hey frank!
Frank: Yeah?
Bob: Silver Turds! haha how random ay!
Frank: ...not funny
by MacAus91 March 6, 2008
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Something that is said hoping that someone will laugh in return, but in the end, everyone thinks that you're a fat obnoxious bitch.
Fat ugly scene bitch: "OMG! My ninja cupcake monkey just ate my jew cheese rainbow unicorn!"

Friend: "OMG! My evil satanic monkey ninja cupcake robot cheese evil ninja monkey eater just rofld my cupcake cheese muffin evil satanic pokemon!"

Fat ugly scene bitch: "OMG! SOOOO RANDOM!"

Someone else: "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
by arabian sand goggles December 11, 2010
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The most frequently used word by DCDB's other than the expressions "Omigawdd!" and "Shut-up!" Often pronouned in a very drawn-out manner, such as "RAAAAN-dom!" for the purposes of making the speaker look "wacky."
"Julie that was soooooooo random! I can't believe you know stuff about books."
by hcracker April 30, 2003
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Waffles, penguins, cookies, pancakes, ect. <--Not random

Shouting these things does not make you random (aka cool). It makes you look stupid. I mean, wtf? How the hell is screaming "PENGUINS EAT WAFFLES ON MY PORCH!!!1~" random when that's exactly what the post above you said.

I am so utterly pissed off at the over-use of the word random. It puts true acts of randomness to SHAME. SHAME SHAME SHAME.
by Violetownz January 18, 2008
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