When u use your friendship to aquire something from someone with no inttention of paying them back
Just joshin ya I'm trying not to get randalled
by Pappa wheelie February 10, 2018
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randall, a word that can be used as a noun, pronoun, verb, proverb, adjective, proadjective and all the other parts of speeches. you may use this word when you are trying to compliment someone. martin luther king once stated in his speech this word, "I have a dream that all african americans will live in peace and harmony. I have a dream that all racism will stop and the world will become randall."
Ew, its esfil.
Im walking on randall WOOOOOOHHH!
His jordans are so fucking Randall nigga! whhaaaaat!?
by yourmomsasshole March 31, 2011
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to control your spouse in a freakish manner, such as banning them from going to places for no reason.
1:'Coming to the movies later?'
'Can't, my boyfriend thought I looked at a guy there once and randalled me out of it'.

2: Girl: Lets go swimming in the sea!
Boy: Or, you shut up while I watch TV.
(girl looks sad)
Boy: Hellyeah you've been randalled!
by GiantStalin April 25, 2008
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To go against the grain, the act of wiping from your ass to your vagina.
I was so drunk last nite I pulled a randal and now my pussy smells like shit.
by Scum i am June 10, 2008
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Randall is a compulsive eater that can't stop eating Doughnuts and mcflurrys.
Randall is overweight
by Noesynoah November 26, 2019
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An inconsiderate asshole that manipulates through his power.
That asshole is as manipulative as a Randall
by Randall Randell randel May 22, 2017
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