The false belief that pigment count makes someone better than another.Also see Complete utter bullshit
Guy#1:I hate black people!
Guy#2:C'mon man thats no way to act.Racism is wrong
by Goodburger Employee July 19, 2010
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Racism is when you judge or walk about someone’s race or color or anything’s color or race or make fun of names or culture
That’s racism
by YourBalls69 March 6, 2022
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A touchy subject that should not be joked about or be on the urban dictionary
"Uh-oh I made a racism," said Ralph.
by Where the frogs February 25, 2017
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Anything a white person says about a minority that isn't a compliment or prefaced with the sentence "I'm not racist but..."
Joe: I would have made that light if that black guy in his convertible drove a bit faster.

Sally: What is that suppose to mean?

Joe: Nothing I just was explaining to you why i missed that light.

Sally: Are you trying to say black people can't drive fast? It's racism like that which holds society back.
by Pizzaeater June 12, 2012
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Anything that Democrats don't like
Racism is the opinion or belief that a particular race of people is better than another race or races... but not to democrats.

Random BLM Supporter: "Amy Coney Barrett was selected by Trump for the Supreme Court, how racist of him."
CNN: "Trump administration issues racist school curriculum report on MLK day"
Random white teenage girl who doesn't know what the 13th, 14th, or 15th amendments are: "Black people are being discriminated against by the racist government laws and policies... I'm posting a black square on Instagram today."
by March 5, 2021
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Originally : denoting some form of ethnic or racial chauvinism. It is said to have been popularised by Jewish Bolshevik Leon Trotsky, and it likely caught on as a consequence of marxist infiltration in academia.
Now :
1. Buzzword used by left-liberals to shutdown anti-immigration politics.
2. Newspeak for systemic racism, wich contends that only members of a historically oppressed minority are to be considered true victims of racial hatred and prejudice.
3. The act of affirming the wish to exist by members of historical white nations and white nations only.
Hating whites is racism.
1. You don't want your country to be subjected to an unrelenting inward flow of 3rd world immigration so you're a racist.
2. Yo muhfuggin' cracka dunno what reel racism is.
3. Estonia is a country. Estonia is too white. We're going to subtly put pressure on the government to change immigration laws, brainwash Estonians to accept their demographic genocide, and accuse anyone who opposes us of being a racist, like we've done to every other historical white nation on earth. We are not racist.
by July 7, 2019
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Judging people by the content of their character
Before, racism meant judging people by the color of their skin. However, now, in order to be more inclusive, not to mention anti-racist, we have redefined racism to mean judging people by the content of their character, because that's how dumb we are.
by Eushshtb June 29, 2021
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