a gay ass corporation that is ruining the use of music. the riaa seems to think that music is a material object and that all p2p networks are like theifs.
this one time i was playing a song i wrote at a live concert, and the riaa still shut it down
by Endless War2 February 14, 2007
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The Recording Industry Man Boy Love Association.
Fuck the RIAA and it's Nazi tactics.
by abcd123456 July 15, 2004
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devil worshippers who want your money
by WORLD PEACE September 20, 2003
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Ruthless Impotent Anal Adventurers. To exude greed, worthlessness, and cum from your mouth.
At the company picnic the RIAA executive's wives resembled the music video for the song, "Who Let the Dogs Out." Oops don't sue me for typing your copyrighted song title... wait thats plain ridiculous, getting RIAA'd plain sucks.
by The L-Train January 26, 2004
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Recording Industry Association of America. A now highly corrupt organization that will someday end up suing the WRONG PERSON (Jenna Bush, for example) and get their asses handed to them. Known for suing everyone, including and ESPECIALLY young children, sometimes no older than 4 or five (mind you, not the parents, the KIDS), old people, and poor people. A bunch of pompous ass Republicans with nothing better to do than siphon money away from people who have no way to stop them.
The RIAA are nothing but a bunch of filthy subpoena happy scumbags.
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1.Member of the Nazi party and SS

2.to be a fucking tight ass
1.You can't do this...

2.That mother was a RIAA member
by Andrew Tanasse January 23, 2004
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n. terrorist organization aiming to prostitute the art form known as music at the expense of hapless musicians. likes charging $22.95 for a CD that costs $0.03 to manufacture and dragging 14 year olds and grandmothers to court and refusing to legitimize sale of mp3s over the internet. see also asshole, terrorist, mpaa, et al.
"dammit, my unborn kid and my 101 year old uncle who died last week both got sued by the riaa... again."
by themarcuscreature February 12, 2005
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