what happens before an abortion
julie got pregnant, then got an abortion
by shtoink September 27, 2007
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A person who is pregnant. Pronounced like "rocketeer".
I read an article a couple weeks ago, apparently swimming is a really good activity if you are pregnant. You got the floating thing going but they also did a study... and pregnanters who swam experienced less pain during the birth.
by Hoogle46 December 19, 2008
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The result of sinning againt WAITING UNTIL AFTER MARRIAGE YOU HOBOS!
This virgin Mary is pregnant because she is not a virgin or married.
by virginjoseph August 17, 2017
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Something that happen's to a girl when they get a boy in bed without a comdom

this wut happened next day

boy: **** we had sex without a comdom!!

girl: >:D haha got ya now no running away from me again

boy: oh no now i can't get away from you :'(

girl: right so u better buy me everything i want for now one cause i got your baby inside me >:D
always use a comdom always do not egt a girl pregnant use a comdom always use a comdom
by Homie145 May 4, 2006
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